Monday, July 9, 2012

The Cuban Invasion

It came to my attention this morning, thanks to the regular short environmental piece on my local NPR station, that the large frogs that jump onto our window screens in the dark of night with a heavy thump and clunk reminiscent of someone trying to break in might be Cuban Tree Frogs, an invasive species that eats literally anything it can fit in its mouth including (but not limited to) insects, native frogs, lizards, other Cuban Tree Frogs and even baby birds(!).

The Department of Wildlife Ecology & Conservation of the University of Florida wants us to report and kill (sorry, "humanely euthanize") the invaders with benzocaine in a bag in the freezer.

I'll need to do a little more research to make sure our frogs are really Cuban Tree Frogs and not the besieged local good guys but, based on the size alone, I'm pretty sure we're under attack.

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