Friday, April 27, 2012

Redneck Studies

Continuing my studies of my brother's acquired redneck tendencies, I have concluded that another defining characteristic is the inability to bring any project to completion.

This is not to say that required repairs are left undone or that desired outcomes are not achieved. They are. But the redneck mindset sees reaching the goal as the end of the road and does not recognize the necessity/desirability to return the scene to the status quo ante.

Thus, the clothes dryer is repaired after blowing the starter mechanism but the tools used to replace the motor are still in the laundry room.

The piece of loose siding up under the eaves over the garage that revealed the hole by which the various creatures that have shared our house with us have entered has been reattached, but the ladder my brother used to climb onto the overhang remains in place providing a convenient way up for more critters.

A dead inflatable Hallowe'en lawn decoration, after a failed resuscitation attempt, lies scrunched up against the garage door, both guy and electrical wires trailing across the driveway like the tentacles of some decaying orange squid.

The trash cans can not fit into their faux picket fenced enclosure because it is "temporarily" filled with empty cardboard boxes removed from the overstuffed garage in some vain attempt to make it passable. The fact that my brother must climb over the boxes in order to turn on the lawn sprinkler system is not enough to motivate him to remove them. At least, sitting in the driveway, they block the view of the "squid" from passersby on the street.

I attempt to zero out the various projects whenever I can but new ones keep popping up.

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