Thursday, March 1, 2012

Once In a Blue Moon

Had to explain to the RN at the hospital today that 60 is not "old" as she originally stated, nor is it "older" as she amended. I told her I take it personally. I don't think she believes me but she won't argue with a donor.

This assertion on her part, and my defence, arose because I was at the hospital for my fourth-weekly (bi-fortnightly?, once every four weeks) platelet donation during which I noticed my favorite pointy stick (the one with all the mini-skulls shish kebabed on it) that I use to reset the apheresis machine when it fails to draw sufficiently fast had a serious split at the base of the handle. It's basically a wooden dowel (with mini-skulls threaded onto it) and someone could easily get a cut or major splinter from that.

The nurse agreed to tape up the handle and then stated she would contact the creator of this particular pointy stick, a 60-year-old ex-Marine with a mild skull fetish, about making a new one. It was then that she described Mr. Ex-Marine as "old," upon objection revised to "older."

Other than having to use my pointy stick a few times, the donation went quite well. Since I go every four weeks and this is the first of the month, I will be back again on the 29th, the only month this year with two visits. Thus the "Blue Moon" allusion.

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