Saturday, December 17, 2011

Spreading Holiday Greetings

Mom received a phone call from an old friend yesterday afternoon. At least I think it was an old friend.

When I told her "Marge" was calling Mom looked at me and shrugged. "Do I know her?" she asked.

"She's an old friend," I said, assuming.

"I don't remember that name."

She took the call anyway and a lot of "What's that, again?", "That's nice.",  "Who did?", and "You don't say." ensued for the next ten minutes. A fairly typical catching-up conversation.

After Mom hung up and returned to the living room, I said, "Well, that was a nice call."

Mom said, "Yes. She used to live here but she moved away and now she's somewhere up north in a residential community. What was her name?"


Yes. Marge. I sure wish I knew who she was."

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