Thursday, October 14, 2010

Adventures in Fine Dining

So I'm just finishing my dinner and I look across to Mom just in time to see her sticking a forkful of Kleenex into her mouth. There were more bits of Kleenex spread across her plate and covering her food.

Mom got into the habit a while ago of covering her food and drinks to keep them hot and/or cold. She started by covering her coffee cup with a piece of paper and has slowly progressed to using cardboard, washcloths, even tissues. I have pointed out to her that (with the possible exception of cardboard on a coffee cup) none of these procedures will keep her food from going to room temperature, and most will just end up making a mess. She is not deterred.

I yelled, "Mom! Stop that! What're you doing?" She seemed genuinely surprised to realize she was eating Kleenex. I literally pulled the one piece from her mouth and carefully picked the others from her plate and she continued with her dinner. When I asked why she had done it, she couldn't explain. (I know why, I just wanted to know if she did.)

I don't want to take it personally, but I do kind of wonder if it's worth making chicken Alfredo from scratch if everything tastes like tissue paper to her.

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