Monday, December 21, 2009

'Tis the Season Part II

O.K., so the Christmas tree freaked me out again. I turned it on a couple of nights ago and there arose such a clatter I thought to myself "the turntable motor's gonna blow and the torque will topple the tree and destroy 40-50 $100+ ornaments!" (It wouldn't be the first time a Christmas tree fell over in our house but the last time was many years ago dring Christmas dinner when everyone was in another room and it--fully decorated and lit--just slowly started to lean and then fell with a certain arboreal grace and dignity, much like a real one would've done in the forest, while we watched from the table. The cause was never determined. I do recall calling "Timber!".)

Anyway, the sound wasn't coming from the base where the motor is but from within the branches. As I looked closer I realized it was an ornament. There is a huge freaking ornament of AN AMUSEMENT PARK hanging on the tree! An ANIMATED amusement park complete with working Ferris wheel, carousel and a roller coaster that loops around a mountain! The Ferris wheel is maybe an inch high and the roller coaster not much more in diameter (hard to tell since it GOES THROUGH the mountain!). Turns out, when you first start the tree up, the ornament gives off the sounds of happy (I presume) amusement park attendees enjoying rides on roller coasters, carousels and Ferris wheels accompanied by a tiny tinny Christmas carol (I assume that's what that is). I now know how Horton felt when he heard his first Who. Fortunately, the sound effects don't last long, only about a third of a revolution by which time Little-Jerky-Santa-Caught-in-the-Spider-Web is just coming into view.

I'm not going near that side of the room again until after New Year's.

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